Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Letter to future self

This week my class had to do a piece of writing to our future self and this is mine.

Dear future Holly,
Do you remember when you were a year six at College Street normal school in GRi11 2.0 with Mr R and Miss G? If you don’t then I will remind you. So all the chaos started when you were walking into the school with your mum and your heard music booming from your new classroom. It is going to be an insane year you thought to yourself.

Now at the time you are writing this letter you have achieved lot like getting a merit in the NSW ICAS maths testing, getting gold in the girls backstroke, coming first in the Ricoh basketball tournament, production, road portal, kids for kids and more.

When you were writing this you were eleven. You are probably thinking to yourself man you are such a bad writer. By now you’re probably at uni or not but all I hope is that you have made good decisions in life

From little Holly.

cultural diversity

This term we are learning about cultural diversity and for our taking action we thought it would be fun to teach the little kids some cultural jump jam. We also thought it would be cool to challenge the senior and middle syndicate to learn ten ways to say hello.

We planned out what we were going to do and then we worked hard to advertise the jump jam and we chose the languages that we were going to teach the other classes. The languages we chose is french, Vietnamese, German, Chinese, Nepali, Italian, Hawaiian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish.

Monday, November 7, 2016

The C.S.N.S break out edu

This term my school has been involved in the breakout edu challenge. my class was the first to try the challenge. We were split into six groups and it was a race against time my group was group one with Aisha, Ben, Dom, Jacob, Kristian, Mackenzie, Saphir, Siu and Yu tong. after we had unlocked the safe we saw mini chocolate bars and a picture of our principle and since then the middle syndicate has been trying it to.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

The jum jam team

Guess what happened at Tauranga...  The C.S.N.S jump jam team went to nationals!!!!

The jump jam team came third in the advanced grade performing gangnam style. They were constantly practasing at lunch, in the morning and in the weekends. They have worked so hard to win but they didn't make the cut, but they had great sportsmanship and they were amazing.

Bike safety with constable Matt

At school all the year six students were taught how to ride a bike on the road with the correct road rules. We learnt the correct signals on how to turn left and right and how to signal to stop. At first we learnt the road laws and then we went through a course set up on the quad.

We all enjoyed our self.

Athletics day

My athletics day is coming up and my school has been practicing for weeks and finally the day is coming.

The sports that are in my athletics day are; throw, 100m sprints, hurdles, long distance, high jump and long jump. there is also relays but only the five fastest people in there house and year get in the team and I am one of them.

My house is Weka and it is red. there is also Takahe which is blue, Tui which is yellow and Kea which is green.

I can't wait until athletics day.

My first trip to intermediate

Hi again this blog post is about my first trip to intermediate.

I'm a year six and next year I will be at intermediate so the intermediate near my school has arranged with all of the schools in zone to come and visit twice at the school to show what the school can offer. 

All of the year six students at my school have been to one visit to see all of the performing arts the school provides.

 We saw dance, kapa haka, drama, choir, orchestra, jazz band, pacifica and rock band.

The next trip is for us to see the school in action. I can't wait!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

My Hieroglyphic narrative

Hi this tearm I wrote a hieroglyphic narrative and this is my writing I hope you like it.

My name is Holly and these are my symbols

What happens in the wild

Let me tell you a story about the time when I was in the wild. It started a bit like this… I was on an african wild life tour. The tour guide was talking about how he sometimes sees lions basking in the sun, I thought that was amazing. Then all of a sudden I heard a noise, but not just any noise it sounded like something struggling. But what could it be?

I told the tour guide to stop the truck so I could take a closer look at what was making the noise. I saw a quail chick trapped in a net made of double read leaves and twisted flax wicks. I started to run to try and save it but something had beaten me to the poor little quail. It was a lion It had a scar on his eye and a long wavy mane. I was hoping he wouldn’t eat the quail chick and more importantly that he wouldn’t spot me. To my surprise the lion was actually trying to save the stressed little creature. The lion was tugging on the net to free the bird. I got the camera out and took a photo to capture this wonderful moment.

When I hopped back into the truck to continue the tour, the tour guide tried to turn on the ignition it wouldn’t start. The tour guide hopped out of the truck to inspect what went wrong. I wanted to help but I knew I had no experience in car mechanics. After awhile it started to become dark and we had no hope to get back to the camp base.

I was feeling anxious and nervous but I still kept my cool. Then something was moving towards the truck. A rhino… Wait a RHINO? It was coming closer and closer to the truck. With quick thinking we ran to the side of the truck well away from the rhino. Then in a blink of an eye the rhino stampeeded the truck and pieces of debris flew everywhere. I shielded myself with my arms. Then he turned to us….

At that moment, I had even less hope. Then all of a sudden a lion pounced to attack the rhino. It had a scar on its eye like the lion I had seen saving the quail chick. The lion gave a mighty roar that frightened the rhino away. I was so relieved, although the truck was still destroyed and we couldn’t see any way to get back to the camp base. Then the lion knelt down so that we could climb on its back. We were sceptical at first, but it seemed like the only option and we didn’t want the rhino to come back! We tentatively climbed aboard and the rode the lion back to the camp base.

The lion bowed to us when we arrived and then before we could thank him, he darted off into the distance.

This was the very first african wildlife tour and was one that I would never forget, and to this day I have been on many more wildlife adventures.

The End

The blog post challange

Hi my name is Holly and this week my class has to write seven blog posts in seven days. this is my first blog post of the week and i'm telling you what it is about.

the rules are:

1. Each post must be about a different thing
2. one of your posts must have a photo of an image
3. You must have an audience in mind when you write your posts
4. add humour
5. one of your posts must be about learning

If you want to challenge your self then try the blog post challenge.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Taking Action ☔️

In my class we are learning about the environment and some of the issues. in this blog post is an argument about the environment.

Is there a drinking water crisis in the world?

In the world people are questioning is there a water crisis?  Due to recent studies by national geographic has confirmed that yes there is a world wide drinking water crisis.

The water crisis is an unfortunate result by humans dumping rubbish in the site of millions of gallons of water able to be used by humans.

The earth is 70 percent water while only 2.5 percent is drinkable.  out of that 2.5 percent of clean drinking water only 1 percent is easily assessable out of 70 percent of water only 0.007 percent is able to be drunk by the earth’s population of 6.8 billion people.

We need to conserve the water that is possible to use and then we will be able to save the water crisis. The water crisis affects everyone because food is made out of water, you need to bathe in water and you need to drink water to stay alive.

According to the national geographic website has stated the water crisis as a result of humans.

We need to save the water crisis to save the planet and to save any life on earth.